Mammoth Mission

Mammoth Mojo is a thought-provoking, innovative, results-oriented attempt to leverage fashion to make the world a vastly better place.

Driven by funnel visualizations, impressions, shifting KPIs, brand storytelling, and a significant investment in the optics of authenticity, it's all about embracing the 'things' that make everyone a winner when these actions are summarized in senior leadership review decks.

In our view, thought leaders (and those who work with them) are the most underserved constituents in a world that is becoming ever more complicated.

These unsung heroes of marketing and business have been heretofore relegated to having to self-espouse and explain their points of view in meetings and on LinkedIn. 

This needs to stop. We need a wider platform for them. We need a cultural shift. We need to elevate those of us who are brave enough to ask the hard questions, like:

  • "Are we positioned for growth?"
  • "Are we customer-centric"
  • "Do we have data to back that up?"
  • "Is there a way to leverage AI, but quickly, as an MVP project?"
  • "Have we done enough to explain how amazing our brand values are?"
  • "Does anyone know if our employees care about our brand values?"
  • "When will the deck for the board be ready?"
  • "Sorry, did someone just join?"

In a world where the cynical might say "I'm not sure there's actually a 'there' there."

We say, get yourself some mammoth mojo.